Grants available for patients experiencing or at risk of fuel poverty.

The following table lists the grants available (and contact information) for residents who are experiencing or at risk of fuel poverty. Each borough/district has their own financial support, practical support and advice available. This list is not exhaustive.

Grant Eligibility Amount available (if known) Owner Contact
Hitting the Cold Spot – Hampshire Hampshire residents Advice and Support Service commissioned through Hampshire CC. Advice is available for all residents in Hampshire.


Grants are only available to homeowners for: energy-efficient home improvements, boiler service or repair. Also provide energy advice, damp and mould advice and support applying for Warm Homes Discount.

The Environment Centre (commissioned by Hampshire CC) staywarm@environmentcentre.com

Advice helpline open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

0800 804 8601


Referring someone to the Environment Centre (tEC) – the Environment Centre (tEC)


Action Surrey Surrey Residents Advice service covering all Surrey borough. No direct grants available, however the service can help residents apply for Warm Homes Discount, Cold Weather Payment and Winter Fuel Payment for those eligible. Action Surrey info@actionsurrey.org



Vivid Welfare Grant Vivid tenants in any district/ borough Annual fund ring-fenced for tenant support and can be used to assist those experiencing fuel poverty.


View Tenancy Support Offer here:


Vivid Housing Association Online referral process in development. In the meantime contact:


Emily.brown@vividhomes.co.uk (Tenancy Support Manager)




Linda.tookey@vividhomes.co.uk (Money and Benefits Advisor)

Household Support Fund – Energy Grants Hampshire Residents 2 x £147 energy grants paid directly to resident’s account (scheduled to run until 31 March 2024).


Citizens Advice Rushmoor Call: 01252 333618 (Mon-Thu 09:30-15:00)


Or call Energy Helpline: 0808 175 3559 (Wed & Thu 10:00-13:30) to speak to an energy advisor




Household Support Fund: White Goods and Boiler Repairs Grant Hampshire Residents This is available for Hampshire residents in fuel poverty for white goods (i.e. fridge, freezer, oven, washing machine) or a boiler diagnostic, repair or service (up to £150). Total grant value to be drawn down on a needs basis (scheduled to run until 31 March 2024). Citizens Advice Rushmoor Call: 01252 333618 (Mon-Thu 09:30-15:00)


Or call Energy Helpline: 0808 175 3559 (Wed & Thu 10:00-13:30) to speak to an energy advisor



Fuel Crisis Vouchers Rushmoor Residents (on pre-payment meter) If a household on a pre-payment meter is in fuel crisis, they may be eligible for a same-day fuel voucher. This is currently worth up to £89 per household (scheduled to run until February 2025). Citizens Advice Rushmoor Call: 01252 333618 (Mon-Thu 09:30-15:00)


Or call Energy Helpline: 0808 175 3559 (Wed & Thu 10:00-13:30) to speak to an energy advisor




NHS Fuel Poverty Support Fund Rushmoor Residents with chronic respiratory disease £10,000 total for residents in Rushmoor with chronic respiratory disease (e.g. asthma or COPD) experiencing or at risk of fuel poverty.


This has a flexible remit to enable practitioners and residents to decide together what could help the family/individual; for example a plug-in heater, an electric blanket, boiler service, insulation tape and radiator foil etc.

NHS Frimley funding managed and distributed by Rushmoor Borough Council Send application form to communitydevelopment@rushmoor.gov.uk

FAO Alison Nicholls


Home and Well Service in Hart Hart residents Citizens Advice Hart have partnered with SGN and other organisations to provide a ‘Home and Well’ service. If you have a patient being discharged from hospital but they need support to get their home ready and to transition, this service is available. https://citizensadvicehart.org.uk/projects/home-well/


Citizens Advice Hart To learn more contact: caroll@citizensadvicehart.org.uk


To make a referral, go to:

Home & Well Referral Form – Hart

Farnham Support Fund Residents in Farnham £350 per household available for food, energy bills or household items.


Farnham Town Council Lara Miller at supportfund@farnham.gov.uk
Farnham Household Support Fund


Residents in Waverley Up to £550 paid directly into the residents bank account to be used on essential items, food, energy bills etc. Additional funding may be available on a needs basis, contact Jane Todd if this is the case.


Please note, this fund is being drawn down from and therefore will close once the funding has been distributed. It is likely to close at the end of February.

Waverley Borough Council Contact: jane.todd@waverley.gov.uk


Apply online: www.waverley.gov.uk/householdsupportfund



01483 523204

Food and fuel vouchers in Surrey Warm Welcome Venues Residents in Surrey There are several Warm Welcome Venues in Surrey (including Farnham Library and Hale Community Centre) who have food and fuel vouchers and winter essential items to distribute. There are also certain locations providing warm drinks and meals at certain times:

Warm Welcome Venues in Surrey – Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)

Surrey County Council Contact Annette Slattery for more information:


Carers Household Support Fund Carers in Hampshire Princess Royal Trust for Carers have a ring-fenced fund available for Carers to support with utilities, food and white goods The Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire info@carercentre.com

Additional support:

  • Fire and Rescue Teams conduct Safe and Well Checks
  • Surrey (Call 0800 085 0767 or Text 07971 691 898)
  • Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice have specialist advisors who can provide a single point of contact and advice on a range of concerns (including fuel poverty) for those affected by terminal illness (themselves or of a loved one). Contact abellan@pth.org.uk or visit www.pth.org.uk
  • Hampshire and Surrey Libraries are all acting as Warm spaces over the winter period with many events, meals and hot drinks available alongside opportunities for social connections

Safe and Warm Project

In addition to the above grants, the Safe and Warm project is taking place throughout 2024 in Rushmoor.

As part of this project, Citizens Advice Rushmoor have received funding from Hampshire County Council Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) to provide a specialist Fuel Poverty service accepting referrals from healthcare practitioners. The project is aimed at patients with asthma or COPD (chronic respiratory illness) who are living in areas of deprivation and in poorly insulated homes. The project will run until 31st December 2024.