GetUBetter App
Who is getUBetter for?
Anyone over 18 who requires self-management support for a new, recurrent or long-term MSK condition; this makes it suitable for about 80% of MSK patients. It is not for those who require targeted physiotherapy or medical management, e.g. rheumatological condition, bony injury or ACL injury.
Is it safe?
It is safe and evidenced based. The app has multiple layers of risk management; it provides safe self-management but will advise patients to seek help if needed, e.g., ‘Go to the GP’, ‘Attend ED’. getUBetter is not a substitute for clinical care but a routine part of it.
How do patients access?
- GP Website – Patients can self-refer from HERE
- QR codes – patients can scan the QR code on a poster or be given a business card.
This means that a patient will not need to see a GP / FCP in order to access.
Please see the PDF information leaflet in the viewer below. To view the original accessible PDF in a new browser window, please click here.
Please see the PDF information leaflet in the viewer below. To view the original accessible PDF in a new browser window, please click here.