Practice Team

Partners responsible for the Practice are:

Dr S Rathor                  (Clinical Partner)
Philip Owen-Halley   (Business Managing Partner)


Dr Sangeeta Rathor (f)
GMC number 4593043

Dr Shafiq Rahman (m) LRCP&S, DRCOG, DFFP, PG, Dip OPH
GMC number 3115819

Dr Jeet Tamang (f)
GMC number 6096098

Dr Idomu Soremi (f) MB ChB
GMC number 6162894

Nursing Team

Practice Nurse – Mandy Morgan (f)
Our Practice Nurse treats patients for a wide range of common conditions including minor injuries/illnesses, cytology screening, wound & leg ulcer dressings, removing stitches, travel vaccinations, immunisations etc. We will endeavor to provide you with a nurse appointment within one working day and the practice nurse is able to speak to a doctor and arrange a prescription should it be necessary.

Our Practice Nurse is specially trained to run routine clinics for certain conditions such as Asthma

Diabetic Specialist Nurse – Jean Kearn (f)
Jean is an experienced qualified diabetic nurse and will support you through your diabetic management and annual reviews.  Jean will be able to offer advice to you and show you your management plan.  Jean will also as an experienced nurse practitioner offer nursing appointments when Mandy is on annual leave as well as offering support for Asthma care.

Locum Advanced Nurse Practitioner – Jennifer Whalley (f)
Jennifer also is a very experienced practitioner with a long background in emergency nursing care and long term conditions.

Nurse Practitioner – Jean Kearn (f)
Jean is a very experienced practitioner with a long background in nursing.  Jean will be able to treat and manage a large range of minor ailments and illnesses / injuries and her role fully supports the GP in directing care to the most appropriate person in the practice.

HCA – Sadie Jarrett (f)
Our Healthcare Assistant takes all routine and drug monitoring blood tests. Also carry ECG, NHS Health Checks, New Patient Health Checks and INR monitoring.

Phlebotomist – Liz Strawn (f)
Our phlebotomist takes all routine and drug monitoring blood tests as well as BP monitoring.

Paramedic – Matt (m)
The practice is supported by Matt on a Monday morning.

Clinical Pharmacist

Karandeep Briah
Clinical pharmacists in GP surgeries will resolve day-to-day medicine issues and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing help to manage long-term conditions, advising those taking multiple medicines and delivering clinical advice about treatments.

First Contact Point Practitioners

Venugopal (m) and Jhosna (f)
Specialist assessors in musculo-skeletal problems prior to referring to physio.  So will do in-depth assessments to establish if physio is the next course of action or further assessment required.

Practice Management

Practice Manager – Mr Philip Owen-Halley MCMI MIGPM (m)
The practice manager is involved in managing all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, premises and equipment and information technology. The practice manager supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.


Catherine (f)  –  Care navigator / Patient Services coordinator and Admin
Julia (f)          –  Medical Secretary
Kealey (f)      –  Patient Services team leader
Liz (f)            –  Coder/Summariser and other admin related duties
Tina (f)          –  Administrator

Patient Services Co-ordinators Team

The team is headed by Kealey (f)
Catherine (f)
Roshani (f)

Our patient services coordinators (historically known as receptionists) have all undertaken specialised training and are keen to help patients in any way possible. They do not offer medical advice but may be able to resolve any queries by seeking more information from patients.

All information given to receptionists is treated strictly confidentiality.  They will ask you to tell them of the reason why you need an appointment because they need to place you on the most appropriate clinical list.  They need to know, they are not being nosey and are subject to all the confidentiality clauses that apply to all of us working in Primary Care.  Please help them by giving them the information they ask you for.

If you wish to talk to a patient services coordinator in private, please do ask.

Home Visits – Paramedic Home Visiting

If possible please try to telephone reception before 11:00 AM if you require a home visit.

You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice. Our home visits are carried out by qualified Paramedics who will visit you following a telephone assessment by your GP.  You can be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP.  You may also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.

Community Midwives

Our Community Midwives provide Ante Natal services & short term post natal care following delivery of your baby.

Community Nurses

If you have an illness or incapacity that means you may need nursing care in your own home, the district nurse may visit you. Patients who are likely to benefit from this service include those who are housebound either through illness or frailty or have a terminal illness or those who have recently been discharged from hospital.

Community Nurses provide wound care, palliative care, continence advice, health promotion advice and advice on coordinating care packages. If you move into a care home locally, the district nurse may be able to continue your care. Your GP may also be willing to continue to care for you or a number of GPs may provide services for the residents of local care homes.  You can contact them via our reception team.

Health Visitors

A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social well-being.

Social Prescribers

Support to the practice is from Lizzy and Sophie from the Aldershot Primary Care Network

Mental Health Support Workers

Support to the practice is from the Aldershot Primary Care Network.  Fiona has transferred to work with another practice and we now have Gemma who offers support on Wednesdays from the more relaxed PCN offices across from Princes Gardens.

PCN Office Location
PCN Office Location


BSc                  (Bachelor’s Degree)

DCH                 (Diploma in Child Health)

DFFP                (Diploma in Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care)

DFSRH              (Diplomas of the Faculty of Family Planning and/or Reproductive and Sexual Health of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)

D Int Med         (Diploma in Internal Medicine)

DRCOG             (Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)

MB BS              (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

MRCGP             (Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners)

MRCP                (Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians)

MSc                  A Bachelor’s degree is a course of higher education academic study leading to a qualification such as a bachelor of arts (BA) or bachelor of science (BSc). They are sometimes known as ‘undergraduate’ or ‘first’ degrees.

JCPTGP stands for Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice

What Do The Letters After a Doctor’s Name Mean?



Batchelor of Medicine and Surgery. This is the standard qualification each medical student is awarded after 5 years of University Training. Although the students are officially recognised as ‘doctors’ at this stage, they require a further one year’s experience as a junior house officer in a hospital post before they become fully qualified doctors in the eyes of the General Medical Council.




Diploma from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. This is a voluntary exam undertaken by GP’s in training to recognise specialist knowledge in the fields of pregnancy and women’s health.


Diploma in Child Health. This is a similar exam to the DRCOG and recognises additional skills in the fields of child health and Paediatrics.


Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners. The MRCGP qualification is a marker of quality and is regarded as an end-point assessment for general practice for those completing GP training. The majority of candidates are doctors at an early stage in their careers, who see it as a means of motivating their studies and demonstrating their ability to prospective partners as well as joining the College.


Diplomas of the Faculty of Family Planning and/or Reproductive and Sexual Health of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists